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Speaker Series Sessions, 2023–onward
Speaker Series Sessions, 2020–2022
April 21, 2020, Calder Walton Ph.D., “Spies are Fighting a Shadow War against the Coronavirus.” Calder Walton is the Director of Research, Intelligence Project, Assistant Director, Applied History Project, Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government. The paper was originally published in Foreign Policy.
May 5, 2020, Nicholas Reynolds Ph.D., “Some Reflections on American Intelligence in World War II.” Nicholas Reynolds is a retired US intelligence officer and the author of the New York Times bestseller, Writer, Sailor, Soldier, Spy: Ernest Hemingway's Secret Adventures, 1935-1961. This is a draft chapter in his forthcoming book on World War II intelligence.
May 19, 2020, Thomas Rid Ph.D., Active Measures: The Secret History of Disinformation and Political Warfare. Thomas Rid is a Professor of Strategic Studies at John’s Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. He discusses his new book.
June 2, 2020, Aaron Bateman. “Technological Wonder and Strategic Vulnerability: Satellite Reconnaissance and American National Security During the Cold War.” Aaron Bateman is a Ph.D. student at Johns Hopkins University. This is an article recently published in the International Journal of Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence.
June 16, 2020, Mark Stout Ph.D. “The Enduring Influence of the United States’ Intelligence Efforts in World War I.” Mark Stout is the Director of the MA in Global Security Studies at Johns Hopkins University Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, Advanced Academic Programs. This is a draft chapter in his forthcoming book on World War I. Guest Chair: Michael Warner
June 30, 2020, Francesco Cacciatore Ph.D. “US Covert Strategy in Europe in the Early Cold War: Italy as an Argument for Coordination and Flexibility.” Francesco Cacciatore holds a Ph.D. in History (2017) from the University of Westminster (UK), where he is a Visiting Lecturer. His article is part of a larger study of US strategy in Europe during the first decade of the Cold War.
July 14, 2020, Eastern: Joseph Caddell Jr., “Corona Over Cuba: The Missile Crisis and the Early Limitations of Satellite Imagery Intelligence.” Joseph Caddell is Adjunct Assistant Professor, European Academic Centre, National Intelligence University. The article was recently published in Intelligence and National Security. Guest Chair: Mark Stout
July 21, 2020, Eastern: Stephen Long Ph.D. “CIA-MI6 psychological warfare and the subversion of communist Albania in the early Cold War.” Stephen Long is a Lecturer in International Relations at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. This article was recently published in Intelligence and National Security. Guest Chair: Roderick Bailey
August 11, 2020, Susan Perlman Ph.D. “Contesting France: Intelligence and Foreign Policy in the Early Cold War.” Susan Perlman is an Assistant Professor and Deputy Department Chair at the National Intelligence University. Her article is drawn from her forthcoming book, Article in Intelligence and National Seurity. Guest Chair: Mark Stout.
September 1, 2020, Claire Hubbard-Hall Ph.D. and Adrian O’Sullivan, DLitt et Phil “Voices from the Shadows: Spy Wives and Female Agency”. Dr. Hubbard Hall is an historian at Bishop Grosseeteste University. Adrian O’Sullivan is an intelligence historian and author. This is a joint brown bag with NASIH and WIN. Chair: Sarah-Jane Corke
September 22, 2020, Michael Warner Ph.D. and John Childress, Lt. Col., US Army, The Use of Force for State Power: History and Future, Palgrave (available July 24, 2020) Michael Warner serves as the Command Historian at US Cyber Command. Chair: Mark Stout
October 7 2020: WIN Brown Bag “Introducing the Women in Intelligence (WIN) Board and the Brown Bag Seminar Series: A Zoom Event Live Tweeted.”
October 20, 2020, Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones Ph.D. The Nazi Spy Ring in America, Hitler’s Agents, the FBI and the Case that Stirred the Nation, Georgetown University Press, 2020. Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones is a professor of American history emeritus at the University of Edinburgh. He discusses his new book. Guest Chair: Kathryn Olmstead
November 3, 2020, Jeff Rogg Ph.D. “The First Dossier: A British Spy, the American President, and ‘Opposition Research.” Dr. Rogg is at the US Naval War College. Guest Chair: J.D. Work
November 4 2020 WIN BROWN BAG: Nancy Thorndike Greenspan: Atomic Spy: the Dark Lives of Klaus Fuchs.” (Joint with Georgia Tech, History of Science Graduate Forum).
November 17, 2020, Jason Bell Ph.D. “Winthrop Bell: The Canadian Spy Who Discovered the Nazis”. Dr. Bell is a professor of philosophy at the University of New Brunswick. This paper is part of a larger book project. Chair: Mark Stout
December 1, 2020, Trevor Barnes, Dead Doubles: The Extraordinary Worldwide Hunt for One of the Cold War’s Most Notorious Spy Rings, Harper Collins, September 2020. Chair: Calder Walton
December 2 2020 WIN Brown Bag, Helen Fry: “MI9: The Forgotten Intelligence Agency of WWII.”
December 15, 2020, Mary Barton Ph.D., Counterterrorism Between the Wars: An International History, 1919-1939, Oxford University Press, (available October 22, 2020). Mary Barton is a war gaming analyst at a Washington DC-based consulting firm. Chair: Richard Immerman
January 6 2021: Kristie Macrakis, WIN Brown Bag: “Capturing the Essence of Espionage: How to Write a Short History.”
January 12, 2021 Kevin Riehle Ph.D., Soviet Defectors: Revelations of Renegade Intelligence Officers, 1924-1954, will be published in the summer of 2020 by University of Edinburgh Press. Dr. Riehle is at the National Intelligence University. Guest Chair: J.D. Work
January 19, 2021 Melissa A Graves Ph.D., Nixon’s FBI: Hoover, Watergate and a Bureau in Crisis will be released in August of 2020. Dr. Graves is an Assistant Professor of Intelligence Studies at the Citadel. Chair: Sarah-Jane Corke
February 3 2021, WIN Brown Bag: Hager Ben Jaffel: “Britain’s European Connection In Intelligence Relations.”
February 9, 2021 Matthew Hefler Ph.D. “Intelligence and Grand Strategy,” Matthew Heffler is an instructor at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Chair: Calder Walton
March 2, 2021 H. Keith Melton and Robert Wallace, Spy Sites of Philadelphia: A Guide to the Regions Secret History, Georgetown University Press, 2021. Chair: Mark Stout
March 3 2021, WIN Brown Bag: Aviva Guttmann: “Western Intelligence and Libyan Covert Actions in the early 1970s.”
March 9, 2021 Dan Larson Ph.D., " A New Interpretation of the Zimmermann Telegram: The United States, Austria-Hungary, and the Search for Peace in 1917." Daniel Larsen holds a fixed-term College Lectureship in History at Trinity College, University of Cambridge. This is drawn from a chapter in his new book, Plotting for Peace: American Peacemakers, British Codebreakers, and Britain at War, 1914-1917 (Cambridge University Press, 2021). Chair: Calder Walton
May 18, 2021, Arne Kislenko, Ph.D. “'By any Methods’: Thailand’s National Intelligence Agency.” Dr. Kislenko is a professor at Ryerson University.
June 8, 2021, Michael Graziano, Ph.D. “Religion and the History of the CIA.” The talk will be based on the forthcoming book, Errand into the Wilderness: Religion and the History of the CIA. Dr. Graziano is assistant professor of religion at the University of Northern Iowa. Chair: Mark Stout
June 15, 2021, Mallory Needleman. “Wartime Intelligence Collection: Inside the American Legation in Stockholm, 1941-1944.” Mallory Needleman is a Ph.D. student at American University. Chair: Mark Stout
June 22, 2021 Christopher M. Elias, Ph.D. "Gossip Men: J. Edgar Hoover, Joe McCarthy, Roy Cohn and the Transformation of American Politics." University of Chicago Press, 2021. This talk will be based on Dr. Elias' book Gossip Men: J. Edgar Hoover, Joe McCarthy, Roy Cohn and the Politics of Insinuation. Dr. Elias is a Visiting Professor of History, St. Olaf College. Chair: Sarah-Jane Corke
July 13, 2021, Tony Insall, Ph.D., “Secret Alliances: Special Operations and Intelligence in Norway 1940-1945.” This talk will be based on Dr. Insall’s book of the same name, which is newly out in paperback.
August 3, 2021, Steve Usdin, “Stranger than Fiction, John Franklin Carter’s Career as FDR’s Spy." Steve Usdin is an independent scholar. Chair: Mark Stout
August 24, 2021, Brian Masaru Hayashi, Ph.D., “Race Matters But Not in the Way You Might Think: The OSS and its Asian-American Agents during World War II.” This talk will draw on Dr. Hayashi’s new book, Asian American Spies: How Asian Americans Helped Win the Allied Victory. Dr. Hayahsi is a professor in the Department of History at Kent State University.
September 7, 2021, Isabel Campbell, Ph.D., “A Tale of Submarine Sightings, Intelligence-sharing and a Golden Goose.” Isabel Campbell is a senior historian at the Directorate of History and Heritage National Defence Headquarters, Ottawa Ontario.
September 21, 2021, Wesley Wark, Ph.D., “The Canadian Intelligence System and Global Pandemics.” Dr. Wark is a visiting professor, Center on Public Management and Policy, University of Ottawa. Chair: Calder Walton.
October 5, Jess Shahan, Ph.D., “’Don't Keep Mum:’ The Significance of Women Intelligence Professionals' Voices and Recollections.” Dr. Shahan is a Teaching Fellow in International Relations at the University of Leicester.
October 19, Alexandra Sukalo, Ph.D., "“The Soviet Political Police: Establishment, Training, and Operations in the Soviet Republics, 1918–1953." Dr. Sukalo won the Bobby R. Inman Award for excellence in student scholarship on topics related to intelligence and national security for her doctoral dissertation on this topic.
November 9, 2021. Regina Kazyulina, Ph.D. “Temptress or Spy? An Analysis of Soviet Anxieties about Women on German Occupied Territory.”
December 7, 2021. Christopher R. Moran, Ph.D. and James Lockhart, Ph.D., “Spooky Joe: President Biden's Approach to Intelligence.” Christopher R. Moran is Professor of US National Security in the Department of Politics and International Studies (PAIS) at the University of Warwick. James Lockhart is assistant professor in the Department of International Affairs and Social Sciences at Zayed University, Dubai.
January 4, 2022. Aaron Bateman, “Intelligence and Alliance Politics: America, Britain, and the Strategic Defense Initiative.” Aaron Bateman is pursuing a Ph.D. at the Johns Hopkins University.
January 11, 2022. Helen Fry, “MI9.” Her paper is based on her new book, MI9: A History of the Secret Service for Escape and Evasion in World War Two. Helen Fry is an independent scholar and an Ambassador for the Museum of Military Intelligence. Chair: Calder Walton
January 18, 2022. Dr. Alpo Rusi, Ph.D., “The Influence of the KGB on Finnish Foreign Policy, 1982-91.” Dr. Rusi is a former diplomat who has held several Ambassadorial positions for the Government of Finland and from 1994 to 1999 was Foreign and Security Policy Adviser to the President of Finland.
January 25, 2022. Silent Game Book Club
February 8, 2022. Ioanna Iordanou, Ph.D., “Venice's Secret Service: Intelligence Organization in the Renaissance.” Dr. Iordanou is a Reader in Human Resource Management at Oxford Brookes Business School (UK) and Honorary Research Fellow at the Centre for the Study of the Renaissance, University of Warwick. This talk is based on her book Venice's Secret Service: Organising Intelligence in the Renaissance.
February 15, 2022. Nancy Greenspan, "Atomic Spy: The Dark Lives of Klaus Fuchs." This talk will be based on the book of the same name. Chair: Dr. Vince Houghton.
March 8, 2022. John Prados, “Vietnam Nightmare: The CIA's Tet Offensive.” John Prados is a Senior Fellow at the National Security Archive.
March 15, 2022. Hugh Wilford, Ph.D. “The CIA: An Imperial History.” Dr. Wilford is professor of history at California State University, Long Beach. Chair: Sarah-Jane Corke.
April 5, 2022, noon to 1PM Eastern. Dr. Thomas Boghardt, “Covert Legions: U.S. Army Intelligence in Germany, 1944–1949.” Dr. Boghardt is a Senior Historian at the U.S. Army’s Center of Military History. His talk is based on his new book of the same title published by the U.S. Army’s Center of Military History. Chair: Dr. Mark Stout.
April 12, 2022, noon to 1PM Eastern. Dr. Stephanie Carvin and Dr. Thomas Juneau, “The Evolution of Intelligence-Policy Dynamics in Canada.” Dr. Carvin is Associate Professor of International Relations at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University. Dr. Juneau is Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Ottawa. Their talk draws on the book Intelligence Analysis and Policy Making: The Canadian Experience published in 2021 by Stanford University Press. Chair: Dr. Timothy Sayle, University of Toronto.
April 26, 2022, noon to 1PM Eastern. James Bronskill, “Duplicity in Plain Sight: KGB Mole Gilles Brunet of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.” Mr. Bronskill is a reporter in the Ottawa bureau of The Canadian Press news agency, specializing in security and intelligence, policing and justice-related issues. Chair: Dr. Wesley Wark, Senior Fellow, Centre for International Governance Innovation.
May 10, 2022, noon to 1PM Eastern. Dr. Derek Mallett, “The ‘Morale and Opinions’ of German Prisoners of War in the United States during the Second World War." Dr. Mallett is Assistant Professor of History at the US Army Command and General Staff College. Chair: Dr. Thomas Boghardt, U.S. Army Center of Military History.
May 17, 2022, noon to 1PM Eastern. Dr. Sarah-Jane Corke, “The Political is Personal: The Strange Case of John P. Davies.” Dr. Corke is an Associate Professor of History at the University of New Brunswick. Chair TBD.
May 31, noon to 1PM Eastern. Dr. Christian Axboe Nielsen, “Why Did Yugoslavia Assassinate Its Own Citizens Abroad?” Dr. Nielsen is Associate Professor of History and Human Security at Aarhus University in Denmark. His talk is based on his book Yugoslavia and Political Assassinations: The History and Legacy of Tito’s Campaign Against the Emigrés published by Bloomsbury Academic. Chair: Dr. Kevin Riehle, University of Mississippi.
June 14, 2022, noon to 1PM Eastern. Dr. Deborah Bauer, “Marianne’s Men: The Officers and Civilians Behind the Push for Professional Intelligence in fin-de-siècle France.” Dr. Bauer is Associate Professor of European History at Purdue University Fort Wayne. Chair: Dr. Susan Perlman, National Intelligence University.
July 12, 2022, noon to 1PM Eastern. Dr. Ioanna Iordanou, “Venice’s Secret Service: Intelligence Organization in the Renaissance.” Dr. Ioanna Iordanou is a Reader in Human Resource Management at Oxford Brookes Business School (UK) and Honorary Research Fellow at the Centre for the Study of the Renaissance, University of Warwick (UK). Her talk draws on her book of the same name published by Oxford University Press in 2019.
August 9, 2022, noon to 1PM Eastern. Jordyn Bailey, “‘In a world of Gray Monotony’: The CIA and the Liberation of East German Femininity in 1956.” Jordyn Bailey is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of New Brunswick. Chair: Dr. Kathryn Olmsted.
Tuesday, August 16, 2022, noon to 1PM Eastern. Dr. Vincent Houghton, “The New National Cryptologic Museum: More Than Just a Facelift.” Dr. Houghton is the Director of the National Cryptologic Museum. Chair: Dr. Mark Stout.
September 13, 2022, noon to 1PM Eastern: Daniel M. German, “An Overview of the Holdings of Security and Intelligence Records at Library and Archives Canada.” Daniel German is Senior Archivist at Library and Archives Canada, responsible for the Security/Intelligence Portfolio in the Government Archives Division. Chair: Dr. Timothy Sayle.
September 20, 2022, noon to 1PM Eastern: Dr. Andrés De Castro, “Portuguese intelligence under Salazar's Estado Novo.” Dr. Andrés de Castro is an Assistant Professor of International Relations at the Department of Politics and Government at UNED university in Madrid.
October 4, 2022, noon to 1PM Eastern: Dr. Ryan Booth, “Hidden in Plain Sight: The US Indian Scouts, 1866-1947.” Dr. Booth is a postdoctoral fellow at Washington State University in Pullman, WA. This talk is based on his dissertation, “Crossed Arrows: The US Indian Scouts, 1866-1947.” Chair: Dr. Mark Stout.
Tuesday, October 11, 2022, noon to 1PM Eastern: Dr. Ariane Knüsel, “‘Tell the Consul-General, I can give you everything that is interesting’: China’s Use of Switzerland as an Intelligence Hub in the Cold War.” Dr. Knüsel is Privatdozentin (habilitation) and external scientific collaborator at University of Fribourg, and associate researcher at Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland (dodis.ch) and the Europainstitute, University of Basel. This talk draws on her book, China’s European Headquarters: Switzerland and China during the Cold War (Cambridge University Press, 2022).
November 8, 2022, noon to 1PM Eastern: Cameron Givens: “Entwining Histories of Intelligence and White Supremacy: A First World War Example.” Cameron Givens is a Ph.D. candidate at The Ohio State University. Chair: Dr. Jeffrey Rogg.
November 15, 2022, noon to 1PM Eastern: Dr. James Lockhart and Dr. Micah Robbins, “John le Carré’s Southern Turn: British Intelligence and Degenerative Satire in Post-Cold War Latin America and Africa.” James Lockhart is is Associate Professor of Defense and Security Studies at Rabdan Academy/Zayed Military University, in Abu Dhabi. Micah Robbins is Assistant Professor of English at the American University in Dubai.
December 6, 2022, noon to 1PM Eastern: Dr. Cris Matei, “Not-So-Secret Secret Police: Yugoslavia’s Intelligence Apparatus.” Dr. Matei is a lecturer at the Naval Postgraduate School.