
We are now accepting members!
Members should be willing to share their research on Soviet intelligence history. Scroll to review the type of discussions and dialogue of our group.​
Instructions: Send your bio to Group Leaders Kevin Riehle and Filip Kovacevic by clicking here.
Note: This group is open to anyone available but may transition to members-only in the future. For now, enjoy!
Member discussions include...

Topics they are working on at the time or their projected research

Successes and challenges in researching Soviet intelligence (new revelations or connections, successes or struggles in accessing Russian archives, etc.)

Questions on which they need support in relation to their research
Watch the Soviet Intelligence History Research Group in action! Hear Kevin Riehle's presentation, "Cold War Soviet Expulsions: How Many and Why?" From 18 January 2023.

Research resources to inform other members about (useful archives, recent publications, valuable research contacts)

Submit a recent publication or a research proposal to a meeting and propose that the members read it and prepare notes on it for discussion during the next meeting
About SIHRG's Leaders
Kevin Riehle is an associate professor at the University of Mississippi, Center for Intelligence and Security Studies. He spent over 30 years in the U.S. government as a counterintelligence analyst studying foreign intelligence services, finishing his government career as an associate professor of strategic intelligence at the National Intelligence University. He received a PhD in War Studies from King’s College London, an MS of Strategic Intelligence from the Joint Military Intelligence College, and a BA in Russian and Political Science from Brigham Young University. He has written on a variety of intelligence and counterintelligence topics, focusing on the history of Soviet and Eastern Bloc intelligence services. In 2020, he published Soviet Defectors: Revelations of Renegade Intelligence Officers, 1924-1954. His second book, Russian Intelligence: A Case-Based Study of Russian Services and Missions Past and Present, was published by the National Intelligence Press in 2022. His articles have appeared in a variety of peer-reviewed journals, including Intelligence and National Security, International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence, Cold War History, Journal of Intelligence History, and he has appeared in interviews by the International Spy Museum.
Filip Kovacevic is originally from Montenegro and is currently an adjunct professor in the Departments of Politics and International Studies at the University of San Francisco. He has lectured and taught across Europe, the Balkans, the former USSR, and the U.S., including two years at Smolny College, the first liberal arts college in Russia, operating under the auspices of St. Petersburg State University. He received fellowships from the Open Society Institute and the National Endowment for the Humanities. Prof. Kovacevic specializes in Soviet and Russian intelligence and counterintelligence history and spy fiction and is involved in the analytic study and translation of documents from the KGB archives. He is a contributor to the Wilson Center's Cold War International History Program. In July 2022, he signed a book contract with the University of Toronto Press for KGB Literati: Spy Fiction and State Security in the Soviet Union.