
NASIH Graduate Student Essay Prize in Intelligence History
The North American Society for Intelligence History (NASIH) announces the winners of its 2022 Graduate Student Essay Prize in Intelligence History:
1. Jessi Gilchrist, "Financial Intelligence and Information Sharing: Legal and Ethical Considerations," PhD Candidate at Carlton.
2. Jake Gutman, "Out of Thin Air: The CHESTNUT Program and Sino-American Signals Intelligence Cooperation Against the Soviet Union's Missile and Nuclear Weapons Programs," Princeton.
Additional Graduate Student Awards in Intelligence History
Walter L. Pforzheimer Award to the graduate or undergraduate student who has written the best article on an intelligence-related subject. A monetary award is given annually to the undergraduate or graduate student who submits the best article on an intelligence related subject; the student is invited to the annual CSI awards ceremony at CIA Headquarters.
Center for the Study of Intelligence, CIA, Washington DC 20505, and internally marked:
"Pforzheimer Award Submission"